YouTube stops working for 19 Xiaomi devices

In a gesture of welcome to mobile customers, Google has announced changes to YouTube compatibility on the platform that will strike a lineup of old Xiaomi devices. The update will strike devices on Android 8 or lower, including most of Xiaomi’s most popular devices that have served customers well over the years. For affected customers, there are alternative options through which customers can continue to view videos on devices.

Understanding the Change

Google’s decision to no longer support YouTube and YouTube Music on earlier versions of Android is evidence of how mobile technology is constantly changing. The move ensures that newer features of YouTube will have access to newer features of Android, making things better on newer devices overall.

Affected Xiaomi Phones

Several beloved Xiaomi devices that had reached their End of Life (EOL) on Android 7 (Nougat) are also affected by this change

Android 7.0 EOL Devices

  • Xiaomi Mi 5
  • Xiaomi Mi 5s
  • Xiaomi Mi 5S Plus
  • Xiaomi Mi Max
  • Redmi 4
  • Redmi 4 Prime
  • Redmi 4X
  • Redmi Note 4
  • Redmi Note 4X
  • Redmi Note 5A / Redmi Y1
  • Redmi Note 5A Prime / Redmi Y1 Lite

Android 7.1 EOL Devices

  • Xiaomi Mi 6
  • Xiaomi Mi Max 2
  • Redmi Note 5A Prime / Redmi Y1 – Redmi 5
  • Redmi 5A

Alternative Options

While official YouTube support is no longer arriving on these devices, there are options that can continue to watch video content. The use of third-party apps like NewPipe is one of them, though there is no exact experience like using the official YouTube app. The alternatives can act to bridge the gap while waiting to upgrade to newer devices that have better features along with continuing support.

Looking Forward

This transition also creates avenues through which customers can try out Xiaomi’s newer devices that have greater performance, greater security features, and full compatibility with modern apps. The newer Xiaomi devices are good upgrade choices for customers that have to keep accessing all of their favorite apps and programs.

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  • Pincho. 1 month ago

    Resulta ofensivo que fuercen a consumir ya no con obsolescencia programada, sino con obsolescencia directa, forzosa y sin previo aviso, y todavía más ofensivo que se comunique como algo positivo con noticias manipuladoras con tono pretendidamente celebrativo.

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  • Ali 1 month ago

    My Redmi phone does not show 5G Wi-Fi network

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  • John 1 month ago

    I guess someone report their issue at the wrong place… 😅😅😅

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