Xiaomi’s new SUV spotted: cheap Ferrari for people

All of the latest camouflaged photos of the Xiaomi SUV hit Chinese streets, which feels like excellent news for both automotive and tech enthusiasts who are now in for a going-away experience as Xiaomi is making great strides toward getting into the electric vehicle market.

This comes just seven months after the launch of the Xiaomi SU7, the brand’s first foray into electric vehicles. It heralded a milestone in Xiaomi’s expansion beyond its established repertoire of smartphones and smart home devices.

Unveiling the Xiaomi SUV

The model of the vehicle spotted is still under wraps—literally, by its camouflaged exterior—and some of those design elements have been inimitable, making for a rather bold approach toward Xiaomi’s automotive design. Slated for a 2025 release, this SUV comes in a small fastback design with a long front and clamshell hood. Of these notable features observed, it is fitted with a laser radar mounted on top, suggesting ADAS and probably autonomous driving.

Design and Expectations

Although the whole design of the SUV remains unknown, masked under the camouflage, first impressions are such that Xiaomi may not stick to a whole family design as ushered in with the SU7. Design shape and style look more fastback sporty rather than traditional boxy SUV—at least, to these eyes—offering an awful lot of style married to functionality for younger demographics.

Comparisons have already been made to some popular models in the market. Observers say that the shape and stance of the Xiaomi SUV are similar to Ferrari’s Purosangue. Meanwhile, the camouflaged vehicle is said to take its sleek profile and design dynamics after Mazda’s CX-4.

Market Positioning and Strategy

The electric vehicle market, therefore, embraced the SU7. There has been a high anticipation that this SUV will do well, following the trends of an electric SUV among young consumers in a highly timely manner. Xiaomi is known for assurance in delivering quality tech at competitive prices, and in case this SUV goes by its path, then it will be a game-changer in the EV sector.

It’s internal codename is MX11.

The car is still at the virgin testing stage, although one would think of it as its camouflaged looks and the 2025 year of release. This helps to assert that Xiaomi is not really in a rush to bring out this model, hence refining and perfecting it, possibly by incorporating feedback from how the SU7 does in the market.

Although 2025 seems a long way ahead for any potential buyer or Xiaomi fanboy, it gives them room to save and strategize concerning what might be amongst the most provocative new entries into an electric SUV fray.

Very keenly shall, the world see how this mix between Xiaomi tech and its auto design evolves from boardroom HD concepts to actual roads. Whether you are a tech enthusiast or just an auto head, the new Xiaomi SUV is simply more than just a means of conveyance; it brands itself as an expression in the chain of development that intelligent and sustainable transport solutions are taking. Keep watching for any further updates on this fascinating project.


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