Xiaomi global bootloader unlock policy has changed

Recently, Xiaomi has made a big policy change regarding bootloader unlocking; this will definitely affect every user worldwide. While earlier Xiaomi allowed users to unlock up to three devices per year, the new policy brought that number down to a single device per year and applies to both China and the rest of the world. The new policy signifies a key change in Xiaomi’s way of handling things and now raises several questions over how developers, enthusiasts, and other users will be affected.

What is Bootloader Unlock?

Unlocks on the bootloader are basically for those who want to have control over the software of the devices themselves. It comes pretty handy for developers or power users who would look ahead to flashing custom ROMs, rooting their phones, or testing other software arrangements. Relatively lenient policies in the past regarding unlocks from Xiaomi have made devices of the company very well-liked within the circles of custom development.

One Device per Year: The New Policy

The new policy allows each user to unlock the bootloader of no more than one Xiaomi/Redmi/POCO device per year. Unlike many other restrictions, however, this is a global implementation, not limited to their native Chinese market. Individuals who have already unlocked a device bootloader within the last 12 months will have to wait for their one-year timeframe to expire before they’re able to unlock another one.

Xiaomi updates the rules about Bootloader Unlocking on HyperOS

Why the Change?

Although not explained by Xiaomi officially, the following could be some of the reasons for this update:

  1. Security Issues: Allowing a limited number of devices that one can unlock reduces for Xiaomi the possibility of misuse of an unlocked device by performing some unauthorized or potentially harmful activity.
  2. Preventing Abuse: The restriction can prevent any abuses of the unlock system in making mass customizations to sell.
  3. Software stability: Xiaomi is emphasizing users be dependent mostly on the official software with the updates and features over modifications.

Implications for Users

This policy change is very likely to have mixed reactions:

  • Developers and Enthusiasts: The new limit will indeed be a big problem, especially for those working with several devices for testing and development purposes.
  • For Regular Users: Most users would not be affected because, within the current state of events, not many people outside the tech-savvy community actually unlock their device bootloaders.
  • To the Community of Custom ROMs: This move will delay the development of third-party ROMs, kernels, and mods for Xiaomi devices.

What Can Users Do?

In case you’re planning to unlock the bootloader of your Xiaomi device, here’s what you might want to consider:

  1. Choose Wisely: You are allowed only one device per year, so you will want to give a lot of thought before you choose the device for your needs.
  2. Plan Ahead: Developers or enthusiasts should prioritize their unlocking needs for the year in order of importance.
  3. Stay Tuned: Follow official announcements from Xiaomi in case of any policy changes to the above.

But for now, the new policy for unlocking the bootloader has made a kind of turning point in the way Xiaomi approaches both developer and enthusiast communities. The balance it tries to make between security and misuse prevention is OK; the rigidity and lack of customization will no doubt disappoint some users. It would, therefore, be interesting to see its long-term implications on Xiaomi’s user base and the custom development ecosystem as the policy rolls out globally. Until then, users will have to live with this limitation and plan their decisions to unlock the bootloader more judiciously.


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  • Baban 2 months ago

    Really Xiaomi?! WTF goes in your mind, even Huawei at their prime time with the P20 never put somethings like this. Matter of facts i don’t know a single android company (Chinese) that do that exept for Xiaomi, it’s a real shame because 1 they don’t stick to their own update schedule and now we have to deal with that?!
    I don’t really put custom ROM on my older devices but when i whant to do it 1 i don’t want to wait for them to approve and 2 if i hould have multiple Xiaomi’s devices (with the recent news it’s a big no) i want to be able to put a custom ROM on every one i own when i want.
    Xiaomi really have some really nice phone but their relation with the comunity is worst evey day…

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  • Bruno 2 months ago

    Essa palhaçada de espera a aboa vontade da xiaomi pra desbloquear já começou a ficar pior por aí desde do dia que eu comprei meu poco f5 eu tô tentando desbloquear o bootlouder dele e até hoje nunca consegui sempre dar a mesma mensagem de cota pode virar o dia na china como pede quando dar meia noite lá a mesma mensagem aparece de cota isso i um absurdo esse será meu último aparelho da xiaomi por causa dessa burocracia que eles tem..

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  • Bruno 2 months ago

    Desde dia que eu comprei meu poco f5,estou tentando fazer o desbloqueio e até hoje não consegui..

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  • Biti 2 months ago

    These tards… In this case I want Android 15 based Update with monthly security patches on my 13T EEA what I paid for…

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  • Vikas 2 months ago

    Xiaomi’s bootloader unlocking should not be banned as it will be a big blow to both users and developers. The main purpose of bootloader unlocking is to allow users to customize their devices according to their needs. This gives users more control and freedom.

    1. Mandatory for developers: Bootloader unlocking is mandatory for developers as it helps them develop custom ROMs, kernels, and mods. If it is banned, software development on Xiaomi devices will slow down.

    2. Loss of user freedom: In today’s technology-savvy era, users love to customize their devices according to their needs. Banning bootloader unlocking will eliminate this freedom.

    3. Impact on custom ROM community: Custom ROM development depends on bootloader unlocking. If this feature is removed, the development of new ROMs and features for Xiaomi devices will stop.

    4. Loss of competition: Other brands like OnePlus, Samsung, and Realme offer this feature to their users. If Xiaomi imposes a ban, users may shift to other brands.

    5. Relationship with the community will be damaged: Xiaomi and its developers and users have a strong relationship. The ban on bootloader unlocking can weaken this relationship.

    6. Increasing the life of the device: Many users use custom ROMs on their old devices to increase their life. If bootloader unlocking is stopped, users will be forced to buy new devices.

    7. Decrease in user experience: Banning bootloader unlocking may reduce users’ trust in Xiaomi.

    Xiaomi should bring flexibility in its policy so that the interests of both users and developers can be taken care of. Stopping bootloader unlocking would not be the right move for a progressive technology company.

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  • Serafeim Stefanou 2 months ago

    Xiaomi asked us? You will gonna lose lot clients with your stupidity of your idiot policy and rules Xiaomi. Cuz you simply don’t respect our wants the wants of those how gives you money buying your products. I will never buy Xiaomi. As many people. If someone wanted a phone in lock state and “secure” he would buy apple simply as that. You try to copy the stupidity of apple? Whatever I have not nothing more to say I’m done. You will pay very expensively your stupidity

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  • anonymouse 2 months ago

    Oh no they think theyre releasing quality update with theyre hype os lmfao like xiaomi cant even implement those features they advertised from china rom to global you know whats pack on those updates are bugs glitches and you will restrict us to unlock our devices because of this?

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  • Ua 2 months ago

    Bye bye hello OnePlus

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  • Tomas 2 months ago

    I bought xiaomi tablet this summer and unlocked it and I had plans to buy new xiaomi phone on new year and unlock it too but I wont be able to unlock it untill summer ? No thank you, I will choose different brand

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  • Saeedbamri 2 months ago


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  • Anonymous 2 months ago

    They probably got mad over everyone hating their complete joke of an android skin they somehow had the audacity to rename when it’s literally the exact same thing as MIUI, and now they’re taking away our right to root, modify, or better yet, replace that bug infested, ad riddled, spyware crippled “hyper” disaster with an astronomically better alternative.
    I give them one more year before they pull a Huawei.

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  • Anton 2 months ago

    How do they enforce this? With a national identity card scan and verification?

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  • AntonP 2 months ago

    I don’t will they lose client, i just will a lawsuit hit them as hard as the trash they are creating will hit third cuntries.

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  • Unlocker 2 months ago

    Nah, I tried to wait patiently but effectively your bootloader will NOT be unlocked.

    So no more money from me, will buy elsewhere – nobody needs their HyperOS infested with bugs, trackers and spyware.

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  • Rui Costa 2 months ago

    I don’t understand Xiaomi’s policy.
    I really like their products. But lately they’ve been doing a lot of shit with the restrictions. I bought 1 Xiaomi 14t pro. and I just wanted to change the Europe region to Indonesia. because I don’t like Google dialer. Not because of call recordings, but because it is more intuitive. And now I’m stuck with this dialer. I have the company that the next one I buy. it will no longer be xaiomi. Because we no longer own what we buy

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  • icantell 2 weeks ago

    It’s just to prevent users from evading censorship

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