Xiaomi follows Apple’s lead: No more chargers in the box

In what looks like a similar move Apple took for environmental reasons, Xiaomi has officially announced that the latest Redmi 13 won’t come with a charger inside the box. That’s according to the company on their official product page, which could foreshadow some change within the company in terms of packaging and accessories.

The company will seemingly take this policy to its entire lineup, as now clues have been revealed that the upcoming Redmi Note 14 series won’t come with a charger either.

A Trend Towards Sustainability or Cost-Saving?

Apple set the same example 4 years ago with the iPhone 12, which did not include chargers or earphones inside its product boxes. The tech giant explained that many customers already owned these items, and by not making them with every phone at issue, it would help hugely reduce electronic waste and CO2 emissions created in manufacturing processes and during transport.

We seem to be seeing this in Xiaomi. Deleting the charger from the box of Redmi 13 and maybe other series would also have such exigencies, taken towards the environment. Some critics feel that this further gives companies a reason to cut costs by citing environmental sustainability.

Consumer Reactions and Adaptations

Consumer reaction to these changes seems mixed. Some praise the move for reducing waste and point out that several chargers from older devices lie unused. Others have said the move is infuriating for first-time buyers and those who are unlikely to have a charger at home that will be compatible.

This transition may be somewhat cushioned for Xiaomi in the manner it is for Apple only if adequate and affordable options are given to consumers each time they need a compatible charger. This could be in the form of discounts on chargers while selling a new phone or ensuring that third-party chargers, once vetted for safety and performance, are readily available.

Market and Environmental Impact

A policy of this nature would give enormous environmental benefits, said to be amplified if such becomes industry-wide. Fewer chargers produced mean less extraction of raw materials, less emission from manufacturing processes, and less wastage on the packaging end. More so, logistics with lighter and smaller pieces would further reduce carbon footprints.

Taking a cue from this move by Xiaomi, the industry can adopt a whole new trend, and things can get tough for competitive markets like India and China. Provided other manufacturers join the bandwagon, this shall give way to a universal shift in how accessories would be bundled with the sale of mobile devices.

With Xiaomi leading by example with the Redmi 13 and consequently moving to extend this policy to some more highly featured devices, such as the upcoming Redmi Note 14 series, eyes will turn to other manufacturers competitively to note how fast they make similar coverage changes. All in all, it would mark quite a dramatic change in the way the smartphone industry has approached anything sustainable up until this point—the accurate consumer expectations. Ultimately, how this will turn into a very positive change or an inconvenient cost-cutter will depend on the transition by companies and the benefits passed to consumers. For now, Xiaomi takes the bold first step toward a charger-less future, possibly one of the new turns the smartphone industry will take.


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  • Eswar Reddy 9 months ago

    This can demotivate existing customers and new buyers. We expect charger and ear phones also.

    In the shops , it’s difficult to get the company chargers . This can spoil the battery life and mobile performance.

    So it’s better to provide charger and ear phones along with the Mobile. Else customer base may shift to other company

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  • Ran 9 months ago

    Charger and actually fastest chargers were one of the usp of chinese phones, I hope people stop going for chinese brands for safety reasons now that usp is gone and since competitive pricing is long lost already.

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  • Bruv 9 months ago

    Well the interesting fact is that the chargers wouldn’t be manufactured on-demand anyways because it’ll be more expensive than just mass manufacturing it already, so this is kinda like a shitty move from Xiaomi since not every charger is same and not everyone has the charging brick anyways

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  • Tonero 9 months ago

    I will never buy a phone without charger if there are other reputable companies that offer chargers.

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  • Hd Salian 9 months ago

    I’ve gone crazy who will buy this without fast charging

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  • friend 9 months ago

    The ultra-fast charging only works with the Xiaomi adapter. This means I’ll need to spend more money on a Xiaomi adapter. It’s disappointing that Xiaomi is following the tech giants.

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  • June 9 months ago

    If that is there cost-cutting strategy, they might introduce “No more box” soon!

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  • Tayo 9 months ago

    I am never going to buy a phone without charger.
    They should just forget it.
    There are so many other android brands.
    It’s good knowing you.

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  • Henry olisa 9 months ago

    This is unacceptable, who even brought such a dried idea to you guys? If you people stick to that believe me you guys will lose customers.

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  • Udallxx 9 months ago

    Environmental my a**. Its way more harmful.. gonna buy a charger.. then its another box.. another paper wrap.. or plastic.. u guys are just masking a unlawful practice.. then the phone goes at the same retail price with or without the charger 🤑

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  • Col 9 months ago

    This sounds crazy, I can never buy a phone without a charger. It’s a no no. It can’t work for the African market, that can work for Apple users not for most Android users. I will consider dropping Xiaomi for another brand with a charger.

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  • Nice guy 9 months ago

    I’m already considering other brands for my next android. I may even switch to iPhone

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  • Harold 9 months ago

    Why can’t they just remove the box and leave the charger.

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  • The Don 9 months ago

    When all the old chargers got spoilt with time while they manufacture no chargers again.
    What would happen then.?

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  • Mike 9 months ago

    Your loss xiaomi

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  • CHUAH KL 9 months ago

    I’ve been a loyal Xiaomi fan all along since my first Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Prime until my present Xiao Redmi Note 11 5G Pro which all came along with a charging brick. Doing away with the brick will cause me to look for other brands which all still come with the charging brick like Huawei and Honor in futures.

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  • Zeek 9 months ago

    I’m a first time Xiaomi user. I was quite disappointed when I opened the box and couldn’t find an earphone inside.

    Had it been it was a charger that’s not available, I would have returned it and changer to another brand that offers charger.

    Sincerely speaking, I will never buy a new phone without charger. Xiaomi will understand this once they have started loosing customers. But it’s still not late – this decision can be reversed.

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  • mewity 9 months ago

    why isn’t anyone talking about that image on top? I think the ai had a stroke generating that

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  • Vera Gbakumo 9 months ago

    Without charger!!!
    This is actually a tune off for me,
    I have been using Xaomi products series for more than 5 years, I had to change to Redmi 13pro last month because my charge for Redmi 11pro got missing and I couldn’t get an original Redmi charger. If the charger is removed from the box, then I might not patronize the next series.

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  • Ntsikelelo Manganye 9 months ago

    This is honestly disappointing. One of the reasons I bought a Xiaomi Device was because of the Accessories. Xiaomi will drop on revenue for this.

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  • Tinashe 9 months ago

    It’s the most worst and bad move their have introduced because we dont go buy chargers after buying a new phone
    So the story comes when you need to charge any device with a different charger and i have got warranty over the new device i take the old charger plug it in maybe its old staff like electrical components, resistors etc if they’re fade up they will blow the charging system tending towards to the downfall of the device [its dead ]then tomorrow im going back to the store tell them i used the phone it was but its not working anymore who will know that i used a charger that was too old lying all over doesn’t mean its worthy of reusing it .No one will know this unless they have good enough equipped brains so whoever ,tech etc makes a product must provide chargers inside of the boxs
    Must be always supplied inside the boxs no excuses like they making nowadays you win earphones yes but chargers ut cant because the increase rate of returns will increase tending to loss of profit ,business collapsing down

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  • Really 9 months ago

    This is a terrible mistake, i bet that at least 30 percent of customers will stop buying Xiaomi after this trash decision, one of many raison why i prefer Xiaomi more than apple and Samsung , is because it includes charger and dont waste my time to go buy a charger. Xiaomi beware of what your are doing.

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  • Liman Mohammed 9 months ago

    It’s a step backward, recently my charger got burnt due to power overflow, now I want to buy another Xiaomi phone without charger, how’s the new phone going to chargeable after my battery is drain.
    Chargers get weak and spoilt with time, so the old charger is not going to fit and look good with the new phone. Change your decision.

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  • Aryan 9 months ago

    Even if everyone have charging brick and cable those always lose their efficiency after 1 or 2 year of use. This just feels discouraging to buy Xiaomi phones if u will have to buy those seperately and they aren’t cheap either for fast chargers and their cables.

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  • King 9 months ago

    Crapple is to blame for starting this scam. No headphones, no charger, no SD card. Goodbye Xiaomi. Loyal fan for 8 years.

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  • Chuck 9 months ago

    This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Redmi is following the Samsung trend. I wanted to get the Samsung A15 but i quickly changed my mind after finding out there was no charger in the box. If redmi tries the same rubbish I think I’d rather go back to Tecno.

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  • Ahmad 9 months ago

    User are all to blame, these companies are forgetting why we choose them at first place, and they still want to copy Apple, foolish ppl can’t resist on marketing gimmick,urgency on loosing the trend and still buying. And this companies happily punished their foolish customer. 1st Samsung and now Xiaomi, how sad

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