Qualcomm quietly unveiled a new variant of its flagship Snapdragon 8 Elite processor with a modified core architecture that might be hinting at the strategic expansion of its premium processor lineup. The new chip, identified by the internal code name SM8750-3-AB, was recently found on Qualcomm’s official website, distinguished from the regular Snapdragon 8 Elite, SM8750-AB, by a notable architectural change.
Key Specifications and Changes
The most significant change in this new variant is in the core configuration: while it retains the two “super cores” of the original design, it reduces the number of “performance cores” from six to five, making this a 2+5 core architecture rather than the original 2+6 configuration.
Despite this structural change, the processor still retains its phenomenal clock speeds:
- Super cores: 4.32GHz
- Performance cores: 3.53GHz
The chip still makes use of the same peripheral components as its regular counterpart, including:
- X80 5G Modem
- FastConnect 7900 supporting chipset
Comparison with Standard Snapdragon 8 Elite
The regular Snapdragon 8 Elite, featuring Qualcomm’s proprietary Oryon architecture, has already set a performance benchmark with:
- 40% increase in single-core performance
- 42% Boost in multi-core performance Reduced power consumption by 40%
- 12MB L2 cache per core cluster
- Advanced slicing architecture
Future Implementation
Although Qualcomm hasn’t said which devices will pack this new variant of the Snapdragon 8 Elite, one can still make an educated guess that this reduction in core count might reduce the overall cost of the chip and thus make for a more “value-oriented” option, providing many of the same premium performance characteristics as its full-core brethren. This remains speculation, however, until such time as confirmation occurs. This development represents a curious evolution of Qualcomm’s flagship processor strategy because it could stand to bridge their premium and mid-tier series. We at Android Authority shall continue to monitor and provide updates as information about this particular processor variant turns up.
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