Injustice in Google Play Store: 1 million apps deleted

Google Play Store carried out a major cleanup operation throughout 2024, tightening its strict rules for apps and developers. A total of 1 million apps were removed from the store during the year. In this process, some independent developers were banned for life for the slightest mistake, while certain large companies were not subjected to the same sanctions.

Popular Apps Also Deleted

Recently, MIUI Downloader, Gcam Community and the popular apps listed below have been among the most notable apps removed from the Play Store:

  • Charge Watt Meter
  • Downloader for Gcam
  • OneUI Enhancer
  • Permission Manager App
  • Tofy: Calm and Relax
  • Low Battery Alarm: Advanced
  • ForceStop: Kill Running Apps
  • Digital Wallet Pass App
  • Control Center 7: Like OneUI 7
  • Game Booster FPS Drop Fixer
  • Audio Forge
  • VPN Super Cat: Unlimited VPN

These apps had reached millions of downloads and appealed to a large user base. However, Google removed these apps from the store without any clear explanation. Developer teams argue that they have over 20 million downloads in total and that the decision was taken unfairly.

Tough Times for Independent Developers

Google’s strict policies undermine independent developers’ trust in the Play Store. While small-scale developers face complete closure of their accounts when they make the slightest mistake, the fact that large companies are not subjected to the same sanctions creates a great injustice in the industry.

According to experts, such harsh sanctions may also affect the future of the Google Play Store. Developers may start turning to alternative app stores and move away from the Google ecosystem.

Google Play Apps Number

For example, if you write incorrect information in the Play Store description, you will not be given the opportunity to correct it and you will be banned as a developer for life. Developers demand a fair and transparent process. In particular, the lack of a clear explanation as to why certain apps are being removed has created a huge debate in the tech community. It remains to be seen whether Google will announce a new policy in the coming days. Independent developers want the Play Store to adopt a more fair and transparent management approach.

Some Developers are Favored

Google Play Store’s app removal policies lead to a huge inequality among developers. While some developers are banned for life for the slightest infraction, some big companies are not sanctioned at all despite repeated violations of the same rules. This is especially disappointing for independent developers and calls into question the credibility of the Play Store. There is intense criticism that Google should make its policies transparent and treat all developers equally.

Solution Suggestions from Developers

Independent developers are proposing various solutions to make the Play Store a fairer and more transparent platform. Here are some prominent recommendations:

1- Lifetime bans should be disabled

The developers advocate for permanent bans only for willful and repeated violations. In other cases, bans should be limited to a maximum of one year.

2- Equality must be ensured

If an app is removed for an infringement, it should be checked to see if other apps have the same infringement. The rules should apply equally to all developers.

3- Content should not be removed for solvable problems

Apps should not be completely removed due to technical or content issues that do not jeopardize user safety and that the developer can fix within 24 hours

4- Allow Time Before Deleting an App or Account

The Play Store must allow at least a three-day warning period before deleting any app or developer account. During this period, the app may be temporarily removed from discover and search results, but direct links must remain active.

5- Increase Transparency

Google should clearly and in detail explain every enforcement decision it takes and the reasons for it. If it really claims to be a fair platform, it should make all its decisions clearly transparent.

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  • ing: FREDDY MANUEL OLIVARES 4 weeks ago

    Messrs Google Store, You Should Remove and Ban the Developers Of SCAM GAMES, Who Shamelessly Cheat Us The Most Needy People, Who Seek To Solve Our Financial Problem Through The Mentioned Games To Win Some Money, Please Do Justice With These Thieving Scammers.

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  • User Xiaomi 4 weeks ago

    I agree with this statement, it has become a cruel treatment to small developers of useful applications and interesting games, for sure because of this I will soon start using GetApps instead of play store and I will condemn the policy of this application

    Dislike (1)
  • Nope 4 weeks ago

    neither you nor me can do anything against this. those larger companies violate policies have legal teams so google play safe with them. small developers don’t have that power and google simply won’t care about small developers. also when you are sharing please tell what policies violated in that wallet app so we can get an idea

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  • Alexistar 4 weeks ago

    I own a redmi device and I know how the third party apps can destroy a device decent ram management including battery life. first is the third party via browser which affects battery life. run a hybrid analysis on this apk and it will tell you the dangerous ips linked with it, third party free movies app anilab and many more. i have researched it . Update any apps from meme enhancer app and destroy your app for crashes. it even uses more ram. you won’t get any dangerous ips or trojan from gcam. why is that some apps are safe and some are bad. nothing comes free , there’s a reason you don’t get app update with hyperos 1 for hyperos 2 apps.

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  • Emir 4 weeks ago

    To all the users of meme enhancer app, do you see 1xbet ads. I inquired it in gemini and it says it’s banned ads considering google ads policy. well sometimes it can pass through cracks and I don’t know if it’s either party’s vulnerability but seriously it is not legal how does it show ads of 1xbet everytime clicking to rom’s section.

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  • Thinby 4 weeks ago

    all the garbage must be deleted

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  • Thinby 4 weeks ago

    It would have been good If all the garbage apps be deleted regardless of the bigshot or small shot. Not all apps are bad but not all apps can guarantee your privacy. small apps while showing ads and various permission they don’t even have control over the user info being transferred. It’s just the matter of who you trust with your info like previously trusting pixel experience custom rom even though they might miss vulnerability and non official custom roms like ants crawling these days.

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