HyperOS Gallery app is now updated with new HyperOS 2 Design

The Gallery App in Xiaomi HyperOS has just received a major update. The new design language implemented follows all the current requirements of HyperOS 2 and brings a few noticeable changes to make user experience even more friendly: the newest takes the underpinning from the last and refines the interface to make navigation easier.

Main Differences in the HyperOS Gallery Application

  1. New Design Language of HyperOS 2: The UI/UX of the app is redesigned now to follow the HyperOS 2 design aesthetic. It includes:
    1. Gray background, to give that modern feel of minimalism.
    2. White boxes for the display of content, giving a feeling of neatness and organization. Shadows were added under the tiles for layering, which makes this interface more dynamic. This interface now has increased readability of the text.
  2. Removing Albums Tab: Xiaomi also removed the traditional Albums tab from main navigation. Albums will now be sitting under Recommended, bringing these two sections into one seamless experience. The general idea is to declutter the interface even more and make it easier for users to reach both their recommended content and albums from one tab.
  3. Floating Bottom Bar: The three-button bottom navigation bar familiar to Users has been replaced by the floating two-button bar. The Photos and Recommended buttons have become more visible, while the Albums option has been taken away. The app got a floating design that provided it with a fresh feeling of modernity and uncluttered the screen for a more immersive photo browsing.
  4. Miscellaneous Optimizations: Besides design changes, Xiaomi has added general optimizations in this update to make the application feel far more responsive and fluid to use. Thus, scrolling will be smoother, the animations will load quicker, and the Gallery app itself will feel very much faster on your device.

Version Information

  • New Version:
  • Previous Version:

To download new update of Gallery app you can follow HyperOSUpdates website HyperOS Gallery app page.

This new update represents Xiaomi’s determination to present a view that is consistent with the design principles of HyperOS 2, combining highly friendly usability. Optimized and streamed in navigation by design, the modern aesthetic makes the Gallery app not just alluring, but functional as well. Users are encouraged to give a try to the newest version to experience these improvements themselves. Software updates will continue to roll out for more HyperOS apps as Xiaomi is in constant development of its ecosystem.

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  • Ang Thian Poh 4 months ago

    Is this for global or china?

    Dislike (9)
  • Mohit 4 months ago


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  • Memeui123 4 months ago

    Another apple copycat, they just made it look messy. They should have put those memory stuff on a third page and leave the albums page alone.

    Dislike (5)
  • Omar 4 months ago

    This is not minimalism, The dog shitism. They just made harder to reach albums.

    Dislike (2)

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