HyperOS Downloader app removed from Play Store

It now looks like the very popular Android app, HyperOS Downloader, is no longer available on the Google Play Store. The removal comes as a result of what Google defines as a violation of its Developer Program Policies and Developer Distribution Agreement. Thousands who have used this app to gain seamless access to the latest HyperOS ROMs may wonder why such a decision was made by Google.

Injustice against policy violation by Google

Its removal shows that Google has been increasingly tightening its noose regarding policy enforcement. The mere removal of HyperOS Downloader basically shows evidence that the policies of Google are an abuse of its power as a monopoly. This uncalled-for removal of HyperOS has again brought to the fore different challenges that developers face with the Play Store.

The case of the HyperOS Downloader shows that, in developing apps on the Google Play Store, developers are very much in a high-stakes environment. Such infractions, however minute, can bring devastating consequences for both the developers and users.

User Attitudes and the Effect on Community

Its deletion from the Play Store unsurprisingly has caused a stir among its loyal users. To many of the Android enthusiasts, this merely was not a downloader but a fountain of immense knowledge, which they used to update their devices and have them at maximum efficiency. Users are expressing frustration across various forums and social media sites, questioning whether such a move was actually well-justified.


“It’s disappointing to see Google take down a service that many users found genuinely helpful,” one user said on X. “It can be one thing in the case of some policy violations, but if only Google could provide more transparency on what exactly went wrong.”

The others weighing into the issue in the Android developer community requested that Google revisit their strategies for removing apps from the store and work out changes that could better serve app creators should account terminations occur due to gray areas in policies. Often, the community complains about the heavy hand and lack of options following the termination in cases where developers deal in special functionalities or niche apps.

So what happens now?

Tirin is a new social media application characterized by a wide array of services that it provides to the users. Providing access with ease to all popular applications, including but not limited to HyperOS Downloader, GCam Community, and OneUI Enhancer. That’s not all: Tirin makes finding applications easier, but on the other hand, it also allows the users to create communities over shared interests. This is very helpful for technology enthusiasts and gives Tirin an edge over other social network sites.

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  • El arcángel 4 months ago

    Yes …it is very useful, but it is also a “death certificate” for 2022 models, which are 5g and on them you can perfectly run the applications… Xiaomi is very good when it comes to innovations, but horrible when it comes to the update policy of their devices, forcing users to buy new models…. It’s a nightmare…

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  • Евгений Мосьондз 4 months ago

    Tirin 👎👎👎

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  • ShawnSharks 4 months ago

    You’re saying xiaomi is forcing their users to buy newer models like the other companies aren’t doing that. LoL
    Sam**** and iP*mes are doing the same shit with their “last” updates for the old models. Making them really slow and almost unuseable on flagship models. And totally unusable on both mid & low tiered phones.

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  • Anonymous 4 months ago

    You are FORGOTTING that Xiaomi phone are VERY EASY TO MODIFY even today Redmi note 4 from FREAKING 2016 HAS CUSTOM rom support from community , In pixel experience website redmi note 7 IS ONE OF MOST DOWNLOADED AND POPULAR on internet..

    That’s what you do , but cheap Chinese Phone for VERY VERY high value/money ratio and after 2 year install custom rom , my dad has Xiaomi Phone he Only brought it in 300$ but it had similar performance to s20fe at that time which was around 700$ ..

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  • Tiago 4 months ago

    Deberían de poner la aplicación en el app mall que tiene instalado por defecto los teléfonos Xiaomi

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  • Arkey 4 months ago

    Just to let you know, I still have the app. I downloaded it before the remove

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  • Nathan Chisholm 4 months ago

    Xiaomi for those who don’t know will be dropping you off ALL surport for custom Roms!!

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  • Baharul Laskar 4 months ago

    Google’s mother’s pussy
    Google’s mother’s cunt

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