Join the new beta program to get HyperOS 2.X updates early

Good news for Xiaomi enthusiasts and early adopters! Xiaomi has officially opened up the beta testing program for its highly anticipated HyperOS 2.1 and 2.2 versions, offering passionate followers a chance to test the newest cutting-edge features prior to them going public. This is part of Xiaomi’s commitment to continued software enhancement and follows on from the great reception of the initial release of HyperOS that has already transformed the user experience on Xiaomi handsets.

The beta program is a fantastic opportunity for power users to directly make a difference to the development process by providing insights that will help to form the final release of these important software upgrades.

How to Join the Beta Program for HyperOS

Getting access to beta versions is surprisingly straightforward. Xiaomi has made it convenient by providing two easy options for those interested:

  1. Through the Xiaomi Community app
    1. Open the official Xiaomi Community app
    2. Go to the Beta Program page
    3. Comply with the registering instructions
    4. Accept the terms and conditions.
  2. By direct URL access
    1. Visit the official beta registration page
    2. Fill out the application form
    3. Wait for approval notification

It should be noted that beta program participation is limited to those who are at least 18 years old.

What to Expect in HyperOS 2.X

While Xiaomi has not released the complete changelog for these beta versions, previous reports suggest that users can look forward to:

  • More customization options
  • Improved system animations
  • Better battery optimization
  • Emerging AI-enabled features
  • Refined privacy controls

The beta program will be phased in gradually, with various models of hardware receiving access at various times based on hardware specifications and demand.

This beta testing initiative is just another demonstration of Xiaomi’s commitment to incorporating user feedback directly into their development process.

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  • Habeb alhdad 4 seconds ago

    ممتاز النضام ولاكن التحديثات قليله لكثير النسخ

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